Wednesday, November 27, 2013


So, lately little miss has developed quite the attitude. I constantly feel like the hubs and I are getting so frustrated with her and someone ends up in time out (not just munchkin!!). I was getting fed up with trying to find ways to calm her down or go just an hour with out her screaming, throwing something, or head butting whatever she got angry with (don't YOU do that, too?!). The other night I was praying about it and remembered a book my mom bought me when she came to visit this past summer. It's "The Soft Spoken Parent". For a visual: BOOM!


I had started it when I received it, but only read the first few chapters. So, I began reading it again. It was profound! Yet, I felt dumb. It taught me things I should already know. Things like- use humor instead of anger, try to understand how they feel, etc. After reading about 7 more chapters I decided to test it out. Yesterday was AMAZING!!!! My kiddo was so much happier, more patient, and more tender (go figure). I can't begin to count the number of hugs and kisses I got. All because I was more patient (and trust me that took WORK!). So, just to throw this out there......if any of you are interested- this is SUCH A GREAT BOOK! I will be finishing it soon and I'm excited to see the results as it impacts not only my relationship with my daughter but every other relationship. Anyway, every day a work in progress, but hey- at least I get to be a mom to such a cute, goofy little girl!!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy Life

I've been thinking a lot lately about social media. I have had several people mention how "perfect" my life looks from my facebook status updates. I was kind of shocked......okay, I don't complain about the bad things and I don't vent when I'm angry. That doesn't make my life perfect. So, here's an update on my life.
1. We are moving to Kansas. Yes, I'm excited. But, I'm also stressed. I'm worried about making sure we have enough money to get there. I'm worried about adjusting to a new place with a toddler. I'm worried about jobs. I'm worried about getting everything packed. I'm worried about making sure our apartment is up to the clean standards of the Housing Dept. I'm worried about still making sure Olivia enjoys life before the move.
2. We have gone through 2 failed pregnancies since having Olivia. Is it hard? Yes! It's hard to see all the pregnancy updates and birth announcements on fb. BUT- I'm SO very excited for all those people, too! No matter what happens with our pregnancies, I'm happy that other people don't have to go through it, too.

Those are the two major things that have impacted our lives lately. We've been super busy traveling to Kansas for potential job testing and packing. Not to mention, Aaron is still working and going to school. So, I'm busy trying to pack and clean to prepare for the move.

All that being said, I'm still very happy. I know that no matter what comes, it'll be okay. Yes, I have days where I just sit down and cry. But, those days are temporary. Most of the time, Olivia and I have dance parties, I enjoy cooking, I look forward to playing outside and watching my cute daughter discover different things out there. I love watching Aaron and Olivia play so hard they are both laughing hysterically. I love getting to sit down and play the piano. My life is pretty darn good....but definitely NOT PERFECT. But, I love it!

"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Give Me Strength

Well, it seems to be that time of year for me......the time to evaluate the past year and recognize all the blessings I received.  This past year was an amazing and hard year. I spent the first half being pregnant and the second half trying to adjust to having a new little person in my who stole my heart. This morning I had the t.v. on as I was straightening up my apartment and I heard a I've heard before. But this time it screamed at me. So, I do what I always do when a song catches my attention, I find it on YouTube and listen to it over, and over, and over, and....well, you get the point. What was the song, I'm sure you are wondering. "Give Me Strength" by Snow Patrol. This song brought so many people to my mind. First of all, my family. My parents, my wonderful brothers, their amazing wives, and their incredible kiddos. I can't believe how much they have loved me. Their love makes me feel like I have a lot to learn about love! The next group- how could I not begin without mentioning the person who has been by my side for the last almost 10 years....the person who knows what I've been through and my feelings without my saying them- my best friend Alisha. She is so incredible and such an example to me of strength, forgiveness, love, hope, compassion, and endurance. God sure knew what He was doing when 10 years ago, we sat next to each other in a choir class..... and He knew I would need her as I went through some of the toughest experiences. Also, can't go without mentioning all my friends at church in Athens, GA- Charlotte, Brice, Emilee, Matt R., Matt C. Daniel, Stephanie, Dawan, Natalie, Josh, Nathan, Russell, Rebekah, Shannon, Ashlyn, Deanna, and so many more.....if I didn't mention someone- please don't get offended....everyone at the branch was incredible and helped me on my path of shaping who I am and who I want to become. Third group- my extended family! My cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents.....Truly I can't begin to say how much all of you mean to me!!!!
        I am now enjoying being a Mom. I'm learning so many things- how to love when a little person is angry, hungry, confused, scared, and hurt. I'm learning how to put someone first- no matter how hungry I am, no matter how badly I need sleep, no matter how much I just want to sit down and watch t.v., I'm learning that none of that matters as much as the smile or laugh I get when I spend time making my little daughter feel like she is wonderfully important to me. I'm learning how much strength I have, that I didn't know I had. I'm beginning to get a tiny TINY glimpse of the love My Heavenly Father has for us all.  I'm also beginning to learn how much my parents truly loved me. How much they put aside so they could make me feel important and loved. This next year will truly be the year of learning.....and I couldn't be more excited. I'm excited to try to become even more selfless, I'm excited to learn more about love, compassion, endurance, patience, forgiveness, and more.
      This year feels like it's going to be a BIG year..... haha, might have something to do with the fact that I'm no longer going to be in my 20's....sounds like a good year to run a marathon, and learn more about my Savior. I think it's time to push my body farther than it's ever been,....and also my spirit. Here's to endurance! I will end now.....but know....

The second love of my life!
"I choked back tears today, I can't begin to say how much you've shaped this girl these last ten years or more....." I love you all!!!